Park County is a beautiful place, full of recreational opportunities as well as the chance to try some new things! From the outdoors, to events in town or activities you can do at your home, there is plenty of fun to be had in the area. Below is a list of some options for you, if you’re looking for a fun way to spend your time. Grab some friends and try out something new this week.

  1. Join a Club 
  2. Get Outside — Bike, rollerblade, hike, hammock, climb, fish, kayak, paddleboard, raft, swim, and ski
  3. Go for a picnic
  4. Read a book
  5. Make some music
  6. Go for a 30 minute walk without your phone
  7. Try one of these easy art projects
  8. Write in a journal
  9. Take pictures
  10. Call a family member or a friend you haven’t heard from in a while
  11. Leave something kind or useful on your neighbors front step. 
  12. Rake a neighbor’s leaves, shovel the walk, write a kind note.
  13. Play board games
  14. Bake or cook something you love or something new you want to try.
  15. Volunteer in a local organization
  16. Go for a scenic mountain drive
  17. Learn a new craft-sewing, quilting, painting etc.
  18. Learn how to garden
  19. Go to the animal shelter and hang out with some pets
  20. Go to the library
  21. Ice skate
  22. Attend a local sports event 
  23. Make a scavenger hunt with friends

"Anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried something new." Albert Einstein

What You Can Do Now

  • Create your own bucket list. 
  • What would you do in a neighboring town? Try something new!